Thoroughness In the Community

vs. incompleteness

Taking care of necessary details

To practice Thoroughness, I will:

  • plan my work
  • pay attention to details
  • make a list so I don’t forget
  • finish what I start
  • clean up along the way

“Good Enough”

When time and energy are in short supply, my standards for Good Enough are much easier to hit. Later, when I see something that was good enough at the time, I find myself feeling disappointed in my performance. While there are times when good enough really is good enough, granting myself grace to slide too often leads to details getting missed.

I am also plagued at the other end of the spectrum sometimes. My perfectionism causes me to never feel finished with a project or that it is good enough. Perfectionism also stops me from even starting a project because the best way is eluding me. In my IT days as an analyst, we called this the Paralysis of Analysis. It was safe to stay in an analysis phase. Moving on meant you had confidence in your design and it was time to build it.

Good enough thinking and perfectionism are both killers of Thoroughness. To move ‘good enough’ closer to Thoroughness I can use Wisdom to help me discern what is truly good enough and keep my performance effective. To move perfectionism closer to Thoroughness, I can use Humility to temper my ego and keep my performance high.

What character quality can you use to improve Thoroughness?

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use with the family or within community organizations
to teach the Character Quality of Thoroughness.
The following activities are related to dates this month and can relate to any character quality or good character in general.

July Character All Month

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. Day in July 2024 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character 3 International Drop a Rock Day What will you do on...

Drop a Rock Day

On Drop a Rock Day (always July 3), you are encouraged to decorate a rock with a positive message and leave it where someone will find it. The Kindness Rock Project participates in this event and asks you to add a little red heart to your rock if you want to celebrate...

4th of July

This holiday celebrates Loyalty and the birth of our country! Being patriotic is being Loyal to your country. To celebrate the holiday, use your red, white, and blue colored craft items to create patriotic artwork. Here are some ideas below: crafts on All Kids...

Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a community or family setting.

Visit Thoroughness in School>>

No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Thoroughness in Business>>

Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Thoroughness in Faith>>

Christian Family Activity
Bible Verses
Christian Poster
Prayer and Reflections
Archived Resources