Power Up: Culture Building Tools for Business
Any group can use these resources to focus on and improve the character qualities of individuals, thereby improving the organization’s culture as a whole. Each month we focus on a different character quality. Each monthly Power Up Resource contains two or three articles and two or three videos, each with separate discussion questions for leaders and associates. A list of journal prompts for personal growth is included; these can also be small discussion questions. An 8 1/2 x 11 poster is also included for printing.
How To Use This Resource:
If this character quality is one of your core values or similar to one, research how this value was chosen. If this character quality is not one of your core values, determine how it can support one or more of your core values. Determine what this quality looks like within your workplace and share it with your team.
These resources can be provided to team members to use individually, and/or they can be discussed at the beginning of meetings throughout the month. Consider having different team members be responsible for choosing which articles/videos to discuss and leading the discussions.
For the articles and videos, there are two sets of discussion questions. One set is appropriate for the Leadership at your organization. The other set is appropriate for non-supervisory Associates, but many can also be used for those in Leadership.
Encourage each team member to privately review their own level of this quality and to power up in the workplace and in their personal life.
As a supervisor, be prepared to watch for examples of this quality and recognize it.

Introductory Price!
Each month is just $69.
Pay annually with a subscription and save $10 per month.