Dolores Lindsay is a treasure. She is determined, wise, and witty. Over the span of her 53-year career, she evolved from being a young mother concerned about the lack of available healthcare in her community to a national figure and the “dean of community health centers in Ohio.” Her journey to serving as President and CEO of The HealthCare Connection has not been easy. In the early 60’s, Dolores was a young mother active in the PTA. There were no doctors practicing in Lincoln Heights at that time. Once a week, a doctor would come up from Hamilton County to take care of the young children. Women would often go to the emergency room to deliver their babies with no prenatal care. She co-founded the Lincoln Heights Health Center in 1967, the first community health center in Ohio and one of only 10 in the U.S. The group operated from a four-room apartment with volunteer nurses, doctors, and staff. Volunteer receptionist Dolores Lindsay worked in the living room with her 3-year-old daughter at her side. She did then, and continued for decades, to do anything it took to make the operation work. To learn more about healthcare and to be taken seriously, she enrolled in the University of Cincinnati’s health administration program. With five young children, balancing family life, her education, and work was extremely demanding. Some nights, her studies began when everyone else went to bed. Through her diligence and determination, Dolores became the first in her family to earn a college degree. She later earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, with a certificate in Health Administration, from the University of Southern California. In 1972, Dolores was named the Executive Director. Year after year, under Dolores’ leadership, The HealthCare Connection grew. As of her retirement in 2020, the organization served nearly 17,000 people in 10 neighborhoods in Northern Hamilton County. At that time, Dolores was the longest serving CEO in community health centers in the country. She managed a culturally diverse staff of more than 100 employees at three primary care health centers and three mental health facilities. And with passion and persuasiveness, she continually raised funds to keep the doors open. The HealthCare Connection benefited greatly from Dolores’ ability to form enduring relationships. She is patient and kind, bringing good humor and a keen interest in others to every meeting. Since 1967, The HealthCare Connection has operated without interruption as the only safety net provider of primary care services in northern Hamilton County (23 political jurisdictions and 46 census tracts). Dolores’ passion for serving diverse populations has resulted in a model for community health centers nationwide. The key to her longevity is what the lifelong Catholic refers to as the ninth beatitude: “Blessed are the flexible,” she likes to say, “for they shall never get bent out of shape.” And she has had to be flexible. Health care is complicated and volatile, and change is constant. However, The Healthcare Connection has always been on the cutting edge. As a character advocate, Mrs. Lindsay partnered with the Character Council to promote and encourage good character within The HealthCare Connection and its employees. She has served on the Character Council Board of Directors since 2008, providing the voice of wisdom and experience. According to Dolores, “It takes Godly, strong, persevering women who are always serving other people.” She is truly one of those women.

Susan Wyder is an exceptional woman who has significantly impacted the Princeton community through her tireless advocacy for children and vision for a better future. She is a faithful and compassionate servant leader. Growing up in a single-household family, Susan learned from the struggles and sacrifices that her mother made for Susan to be successful. As a child, Susan spent her earliest holidays playing in laundry bins at the hospital while her mother worked extra shifts as an Emergency Room nurse. As she grew older, Susan began helping around the ER in any way she could, even assisting with intakes and triage. Her compassion and desire to help others grew. Susan taught for over 35 years, mainly at Princeton City Schools. As she taught and raised her four children, she went above and beyond to serve as President of the Princeton Music Boosters, wrote newsletters for the schools, and served in leadership roles for parent-teacher organizations and within the school. Her creativity, formidable teaching skills, and willingness to listen to students did not go unnoticed. In 2007, Susan was awarded the Princeton Elementary Teacher of the Year. She knew that education was key to getting out of the poverty so many faced in the district, but there was a need for much more help. Susan began collecting clothes for children who came to school in dirty clothing or wearing inappropriate items for the weather. Susan purchased coats, hats, and gloves and used her networking skills to gain support from others. From those efforts, Susan began the Princeton Closet. Susan understands that students cannot learn if they are hungry, cold, or lack school supplies. She works with patience, flexibility, and humility to ensure that every child has their basic needs met. She restores dignity to students who have little control over these situations by honoring their value and worth. Susan is a strong advocate for children. With trustworthiness and sincerity, she has walked families through the process of applying for employment, green cards, and citizenship. She has gone to court with students when they have no other support. She is more than a teacher that a student has for a year and then forgets. Susan brings out the best in others and is remembered for her kindness, respect, and empathy. Today, she finds great joy when her former students generously donate to the Princeton Closet. This cycle of love and kindness makes Susan a true hero. When Susan retired in 2011, her focus turned to operating the Princeton Closet five days a week, expanding their services to include a food pantry and baby shop. With the help of a small group of volunteers, including Susan’s husband, Dr. Wyder, the Closet has assisted over 10,000 families during its 19 years. Susan has also served on the Princeton Board of Education for the past 12 years. As President of the Board, she has supported the Student-Based Health Center, which provides on-site medical services to reduce absences and promote the health and education success of students. Susan’s involvement with the Health Center started when one of her former students became severely ill and could not afford medical care. The parents did not have transportation. Susan took the child to the ER and paid for the cost of the treatment. Her leadership and collaboration efforts resulted in a School-Based Health Center located in Viking Village in partnership with the Lincoln Heights HealthCare Connection. Susan is deeply engaged in her community. As a mother, grandmother, teacher, officer, organizer, community activist, problem solver, and global thinker, she is truly an “Angel of Compassion.”
Fourth-grader Kaison continuously displays an attitude of hard work and never giving up, whether in the classroom or on the football field. His teachers say Kaison has the highest level of integrity, chooses the correct path to follow even when it is challenging, and is loyal to himself and his friends. When working collaboratively, he selects partners who care about the schoolwork and will focus on achieving results. Kaison did not get discouraged on the football field and positively influenced his teammates even when they trailed on the scoreboard. He played his heart out and scored a touchdown to help his team complete the comeback. Kaison’s teachers are excited to see where life takes him as he strives to be the very best version of himself!

Felia, a fifth-grade student at Linden Elementary, is a recognized leader at her school. She regularly demonstrates the qualities that comprise the Linden ROAR –Respect others, Own our actions, Act safely, and Rise to the challenge. There are many reasons that Felia qualifies as a Hero of Character. She demonstrates compassion toward others, and her enthusiasm and zest for learning and life are contagious to all who are around her. Felia is credited with always demonstrating respectful behavior toward others while also displaying patience and understanding. She comes to school each day with a beautiful smile on her face. School leaders say she collaborates with others inside the classroom and outside of the school walls. They acknowledge her performance in her classes and as a friend to others while adding that she is a wonderful sister to her siblings.
Hudson is described as caring, compassionate, positive, and helpful. He cares about all of his peers and includes everyone, jumping right in to accept anyone who wants to be in his work or playgroup. Hudson always displays a positive attitude with a big smile on his face. He is helpful to his peers as well as his teachers. He even cleans up messes he did not make without being asked or rewarded. There’s no hesitation in helping someone in need, even if they don’t think they need it. One day recently Hudson’s dad was waiting for him after the morning preschool class let out. About halfway to the car, he turned around and walked back to the building. He held the door open for everyone, teachers included. Hudson is a great peer role model in the classroom and a great example of a Hero of Character, making his part of the world better even though he has yet to experience much of that world.

Yianni has impressed his educators with his exceptional qualities and achievements, starting with learning English as a second language due to his Greek heritage. He has approached his studies with an admirable work ethic and tenacity. His diligence not only reflects his personal dedication but also serves as a motivation for his peers, fostering an inclusive environment where cultural diversity is celebrated and embraced. Yianni has also demonstrated resilience and positivity in the face of adversity. In challenging situations, he exemplifies strong character and consistently radiates a contagious positivity that uplifts those around him while maintaining a positive outlook. Yianni took a leap of faith when he became involved with the K-12th grade theatre program by accepting a lead role with numerous lines despite feeling terrified. His performance was outstanding, and his leadership exemplified the transformative power of courage while inspiring his peers to embrace challenges and reach their full potential.
As a Senior at Princeton High School, Maddie has flourished into a remarkable and exceptionally determined individual. From working on her elementary school newspaper to creating videos and social media content for Princeton schools and achieving a perfect score on the AP US History test, Maddie has matured into a poised, articulate, and well-rounded person. She is highly regarded by her teachers and classmates because of the way she includes and treats everyone with respect. What sets Maddie apart is her individuality. Since her childhood, she has possessed an authentic and unapologetic sense of self, always dancing to her own beat. Under her leadership in cross country and the Key Club, she helps everyone feel accepted and have a sense of belonging. Maddie possesses an extraordinary level of passion and heart, which is evident in her film work, editing, and graphic and fashion designs. She uses her quirkiness and imagination to dazzle those around her with her work ethic and style. Her ability to approach challenges from novel perspectives and her penchant for thinking outside the box make Maddie a true asset in any setting.

Bailey receives an ultimate compliment from her fourth-grade teacher, who says Bailey makes us all laugh, and our lives are all a little brighter because she is in it! Described as enthusiastic and kindhearted, she treats everyone – fellow students and teachers – with respect. In the classroom, Bailey strives to ensure everyone is included during group work. She greets everyone in the morning and works extremely hard at every task given to her. Bailey cares about her friends and looks out for her sisters. She puts her best foot forward daily and isn’t hesitant to ask questions when she doesn’t understand something. Bailey is described as a positive light who shows up for herself and others.
Brian is one of those individuals who volunteer for the good of the community without ever expecting compensation or pay. One of the causes he supports is the Oser-Roth and Friends Fest, which raises money to present wishes to children with severe developmental disabilities and serious and /or terminal medical conditions. This organization relies on volunteers like Brian, who works tirelessly by cooking, event set up, construction projects, and whatever is needed to ensure that the weekend long festival runs smoothly. He has such enthusiasm for the event and such compassion for everyone, especially for the children who are being recognized. Brian is one of those rare individuals that every community treasures.

Miami Township is grateful to Steve and Margie Ober, tireless volunteers who are very generous with their time and are compassionate about helping others. Working as a team, Steve has served as Assistant District Fire Chief, President of the Kiwanis, and as a member of the township Finance Department, while Margie volunteers with the Miami Heights Civic Association, which plans and oversees events such as the Easter Egg Hunt, civic grants, and scholarships for high school seniors. Steve and Margie are also very involved with the Oser-Roth and Friends Fest, an event that helps support children with severe disabilities and serious and /or terminal medical conditions. Margie runs the t-shirt booth while Steve directs the EMS for the event, handles the medical needs of the “Angels” (the medically fragile recipients of the event), and serves as co-chair of the golf tournament fundraiser. They are involved with “Angel” selection, event planning, setup, and whatever else is needed. They are a blessing to the Miami Township community they so tirelessly serve.
Yoselin V-R. is described as having determination, responsibility, and positivity. After learning English, studying diligently, and applying her new skills, she is set to graduate in the top twenty at Princeton High School and earn an International Baccalaureate diploma, which is a huge accomplishment. One of Yoselin’s passions is the Princeton Key Club, where she has made community service her personal responsibility. Serving as the club’s secretary, she is all about details and communicates well with others. She has made a concerted effort to involve more students of Hispanic heritage. The club is now one of the largest inclusive groups in the district. “If Yoselin is involved, I know everything is moving in a successful direction. She represents all of the characteristics of a Key Club leader – Leadership, Determination, Responsibility, Positivity, always serving others graciously within our communities,” added her advisor.

While Tim’s official title at Linden Elementary School is “Safe and Secure Monitor,” his unofficial title is “overseer of a safe place for students, exhibiting patience, and understanding for all he encounters, while showing a genuine respect and acceptance for all.” He engages with the students in little ways that make a big difference, such as having fun throwing a football on the playground or passing out treats to make good on a promise, always leading by example. Tim goes above his duties as a monitor and serves as a mentor for several students. When students are having a difficult time, he listens to them and tries to understand their concerns while speaking words of encouragement and wisdom about life, and they listen. They listen because Tim has taken the time to cultivate not just rapport but relationships that will have a long and lasting impact on these students.
Chip’s coaching career began at Taylor High School, where he coached Cross Country, Track, and Swimming. Before Chip’s arrival, there had been little to no athletic success and certainly no thought of postseason glory. It took determination and many convincing conversations to persuade students to join a sport that some had never heard of. Chip changed everything and within a few years, he had boys and girls competing for championships. Chip puts his whole heart into everything he does. His enthusiasm spreads to his players and students. He is their biggest supporter and cheerleader. He is happy, thorough, and genuine. He exhibits qualities that go above and beyond the ordinary. What is most unique about Chip is that he gives as much thought and energy to the slowest person on his team as he does to his potential state finalists. He creates a culture of respect, support, and a feeling of belonging to something bigger than yourself. He greets each player with praise and encouragement when a competition is over. He is incredibly artful in consoling those distraught from a poor performance and reassuring them about their future success. He emphasizes “improving over winning,” stressing that if they keep improving, they will win, a strategy that has proven to be successful over the years

Melinda brings student voice, leadership, and participation to activities and projects, creating a strong community of learners. She connects with her students by finding personal connections to each one of them and delivers the importance of inclusiveness, diversity, and equity throughout every lesson and daily interaction. Her students learn how to demonstrate tolerance and respect for others. She teaches her students the importance of making a difference in the lives of others. She gives them tasks that enable them to show leadership by making gratitude cards for Veterans, cleaning up the playground, and building a buddy bench for students who need a friend. Her classroom is full of examples that show and allow her students to be better human beings. In addition to her excellence in teaching, Melinda stands out as a leader within the Princeton City School District. Her role on the building’s Leadership, Grade Level, Equity, Black History Month, and Solution Teams showcase her leadership skills. She willingly shares her knowledge and ideas with colleagues, motivating them to do their best. Her leadership is characterized by positivity, motivation, and a genuine concern for the well-being of her colleagues. She is always upbeat and genuinely motivates others to do their best.
Colton is known not only for being inherently good but also for displaying qualities like patience, generosity, resilience, honesty, and respect. Colton’s patience is a testament to his emotional intelligence and maturity. Whether dealing with complex problems or navigating relationships, his patience allows him to think clearly and make better decisions, leading to more harmonious connections. Generosity is not just a trait for Colton; it’s a way of life. He gives his time and support without expecting anything in return, uplifting those in need and inspiring others to embrace the spirit of giving. Life has ups and downs, and Colton’s resilience shines brightest during tough times. Colton bounces back from challenges, learns from his experiences, and maintains a positive outlook, showing his inner strength. Honesty is at the core of Colton’s character. He values truth and integrity, living his life with transparency and sincerity. He is an excellent example of how individuals can positively impact the world. In a society that focuses on personal success, Colton’s virtues remind us that treating others well is what really matters. They inspire us to develop these virtues in ourselves, which helps create a kinder and more understanding world.

Assistant Principal Michelle Konerman’s “all in for kids” approach is once again making a difference at Linden Elementary School, where she previously served as a third-grade teacher and literacy coach. Co-workers recognize Michelle for her integrity, positive outlook, and initiative in working toward a culture of sincerity and trust. They value her realistic attitude and willingness to stand up for what is right – even when it is difficult. Michelle started a safety committee, which meets regularly to help ensure that current policies are working and to seek continual improvement. Her trustworthiness is a cornerstone in fostering a sense of security and reliability at Linden. She recognizes staff milestones and celebrates the “little things” that are important for students and her colleagues. In describing Michelle’s ongoing impact at the school, the following words and phrases are frequently used: exemplary passion, commitment, unwavering dedication, and selfless devotion. Those who know her best cite her immense contributions to the well-being and development of every student and her pivotal role in making Linden a better place for all.
Art Reckman founded the Model Group in 1978, a property development, construction, and management company whose mission is to Positively Transform Communities. Art models the core values of Sincerity, Kindness, and Generosity in his personal and professional life. Art grew up in a modest home and lost his father when he was quite young. He had to become “the man of the house” at a very young age and found support from family and friends. Art feels strongly about the importance of family and taking care of his employees. Art has a passion for the children who attend the Wesley Chapel Mission Center, an after-school program in Over-the-Rhine. In addition to significant financial support for the Center, Art hosts Wesley Day each year at his family farm in Sunman, Indiana. A school bus full of children spends a carefree day on the farm. For many of them, it is their first experience with country life. In their home environment, hearing gunfire, foul language, and unsafe conditions are quite common. Prior to Wesley Day, Art spends time with the children, preparing them for the day and discussing the importance of hard work and responsibility. He asks for their input on activities and food. The day is spent doing what the children want to do, including fishing, boating, and pony rides – pure adventure. They are safe, have choices, are free from insults and cursing, are listened to, and leave with bellies full of delicious food. Through Art’s sincerity, kindness, and generosity, he has positively transformed the lives of children at Wesley Chapel Mission Center and is a true champion for children, family, and community.

Hamilton High School is lucky to have a positive influencer like (Kaitlyn) Jasper. Her teacher describes her as “the student you could count on to work with any other student in the classroom. She accepts everyone.” Recently, (Kaitlyn) Jasper completed a refugee and immigrant project where she made 22 Build-A-Bears with a sign that said, “You Matter”. When a new student came to our country and joined the ELL program to learn English, (Kaitlyn) Jasper would welcome them with a bear and a backpack of supplies. With a heart that overflows with compassion, (Kaitlyn) Jasper has volunteered over 100 hours a year for the last three years, earning her the Presidential Medal of Service. She advocates for mental health education and suicide prevention and was chosen to serve on the Executive Board of the Corn Stand Festival, an organization that raises money for suicide prevention. She is enthusiastic and affects so many with her outgoing heart and love for life.
Some individuals go above and beyond in all they do, and Jonathan is one of them. He has devoted his career to making residents and staff members of Berkeley Square, a senior community, feel like they are special people. But if you ask Jonathan, the residents make him feel special. Jonathan knows all 300 residents by name and is aware of what is happening in each person’s life- their celebrations, crises, and concerns. Jonathan, who sang the National Anthem at a Reds game, shares his special gift of singing with the residents. Jonathan attributes his success to his parents, who fostered over 45 children throughout his childhood. This taught him to be accepting of others and to care for all people. His empathy is genuine, and his help for others comes naturally.

Jim Geers is the ultimate friend. As the owner and primary sales representative for his company which provides printing and marketing services, Jim is not only a professional but also a JOY. Jim makes the world around him a better place. His positivity, honesty and enthusiasm ensure that he will do whatever is required, even the occasional all-nighter, to get the job done right. Jim’s commitment to friends, family and community has always been at the forefront. Jim lavishes time and energy on his friends, whether introducing newcomers to Cincinnati or showing up in times of trouble. A man of deep faith, Jim uses his gifts to honor the Lord and give back to the community. He is actively involved with Transformation Cincinnati and Tender Mercies. Through Jim’s passion, care, encouragement, affability, joy, endurance, wisdom, and hospitality, he exemplifies the greatness of our city. Jim works daily to teach these same qualities of “living your best life” to his children, grandchildren, friends, and acquaintances.
Colleen McSwiggin is the West Side mother of Joe, a child born with cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities. Joe’s favorite subject in school was music. When Joe started at Oak Hills High School in 2016, we wanted to join the marching band. He could play bass drum, gong, windchimes, tambourine, cymbal, and triangle but could not adequately maintain time with the music. Because Colleen was determined to help Joe enjoy a typical high school experience, she became his personal drum coach. Colleen attended outdoor band camps for four years in the heat of August. She participated in band practice weekly to learn the music. At every football halftime, Colleen could be seen standing on the sideline, keeping the count, and enthusiastically hand signaling to Joe to strike his drum. On her command, Joe would strike his drum in perfect time with the music. Joe proudly wore the Oak Hills High School band uniform for four years. As a parent raising a child with disabilities, Colleen’s incredible determination, enthusiasm, and dependability allowed her son to pursue his dreams and enjoy a “normal” life. Colleen is also the founder and “Recycler-in-Chief” of the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub. Through her leadership, the Hub has reused or recycled over 200 tons of material since April 2021.

Bill Ward knows no stranger and is “the guy” who not only shovels his walks but also shovels four or more houses on either side. Bill keeps an eye on the neighborhood, whether it is warning the children next door not to play in the street and explaining why it is dangerous, picking up toys that are left scattered around the street, or letting them help water his plants and garden. He is loved by all. What makes him a hero is how he and his wife, Peggy, enabled Bob, an elderly neighbor, to stay in his home for the past four years by becoming his primary caregiver. Bill would call and check on Bob daily, bring in the mail and newspaper, take out his garbage, clean his house, pay his bills, and get his medications. On several occasions, Bill rescued Bob’s oxygen line allowing the oxygen flow to resume. When another neighbor lost his house and life savings, Bill refused to let this man become homeless, so he took him in and generously gave him a place to stay, food, and help to regain his independence. Bill Ward is the neighbor we all wish we lived next to.
Sarah demonstrates compassion, acceptance, and positivity toward every student at Reading Elementary School. At times when other staff members are having difficulty communicating with students, Sarah is always willing to step in and is able to speak to the students in a way that allows them to open up and communicate their feelings. She can often turn their day around and is among the most trusted and understanding adults for so many students. When times are tough, Sarah jumps in head first to make the school work smoothly. On one particular day, when many teachers and staff members were absent, the day turned out to be very hectic, involving emotional issues from students, conflicts between students, classrooms needing coverage for various reasons, and meetings related to legal matters. Throughout the entire school day, Sarah rushed around from classroom to classroom, back to the office, to meetings, and to various parts of the building to help cover classes, get students back on track, serve as a shoulder to cry on, and provide a voice of reason for anyone who needed it. She never complained once and never does.

As a member of Mt. Healthy Schools for 28 years and an alumnus and resident of Mt. Healthy, LaVonda’s loyalty knows no end. She is primarily known for her kindness and compassion. She notices gaps and steps in with perfect attention to detail. Everything she touches runs more smoothly. While serving as the liaison between the city and school for The Sharing Tree program, she devotes countless hours to helping families in need connect to available resources. She ensures that local families have a blessed holiday. When staff members are ill or experience tragedy, LaVonda lessens their load by collecting money, purchasing food, buying flowers, gathering messages of support, or just adding comfort with warm words of wisdom. Whether dealing with angry parents or a friendly face, LaVonda responds attentively, calmly, and with helpful intent. She respectfully listens, ensures everyone feels heard, and seeks solutions for others’ concerns. Dependable and responsible, she knows and does what is expected and routinely goes above and beyond. Her kindness, compassion, respect, and dependability make her a true Mt. Healthy hero.
Abby is the mother of a third grader and kindergartner who attend Rising Sun Elementary School. Like many parents, she was horrified by the Nashville school shooting last March. Abby became concerned about her school’s security, and after speaking to Superintendent Brandon Roeder, she learned that the school cameras were outdated. Rather than demanding the school take action, she decided to help the school with a fundraiser. With permission from Roeder, Abby launched a fundraiser she called “One Sunny Day”. The goal was to raise $40,000 for new motion-sensor cameras. The small community of 2,500 people responded in a big way, and Abby’s initiative netted more than $45,000. The school district was able to buy new cameras with high-tech features. Abby hopes this grassroots initiative will encourage parents in other school districts to make a difference at their school through community fundraising.

When Lawrenceburg Central Elementary School teacher Maggie Cole was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Brylee wanted to do something to help out. She decided to create a fundraiser by making and selling bracelets and donating the proceeds to a wig fund for Mrs. Cole. She was eventually able to present the school with a check worth $5,258, which was raised from bracelet sales, along with a matching donation from her father, Noah. Mrs. Cole told Brylee that it was very nice, and she loved that she could get a wig that would actually be real hair. “I’m just thinking about all of the bracelets that she made, like handmade. I just can’t believe the amount of time that she put into that, and it really just shows her character and how much she truly cares for people and how much her family truly cares,” said Cole. Thank you, Brylee, for being a proactive problem solver.
Logan has been finding creative ways to solve problems and help others since age 6. Whether donating toiletry boxes for tornado victims, blankets for hurricane victims, or Christmas gifts to those less fortunate, Logan thinks of others first. When Logan was 12, his grandmother introduced him to the Hamilton Dream Center, an inner-city ministry. He wanted every child in the ministry to have a Christmas gift, so he started raising money by doing odd jobs, having yard sales, and making and selling crafts. He even asked that his Christmas gifts be donated to the children rather than himself. Last year was his 12th year. Over the years, he has raised over $25K to purchase gifts, which he wraps and helps hand out to the children. Logan also helps with activities at the Woodlands of Hamilton, an assisted living community where his grandfather lived. Logan struggles with attention deficit disorder and social anxiety, but this does not hold him back from helping others.

Rachel Reynolds, a proactive problem solver, has made a significant impact on the lives of many in Dearborn County, Indiana. An advocate for people who are in need, whether they need food, clothing, a ride to a medical appointment, or financial assistance, Rachel jumps right in and finds a way to get it done. During the pandemic, Rachel, along with friend Andrea Ewan and a few others, started raising funds to purchase PPE supplies to hand out in the community. After the restrictions were lifted, they converted the non-profit to The Community Project, Inc., which now oversees projects such as Feeding Those in Need, Christmas with Friends, No Child is Left Behind, and Community Blessing Boxes. Rachel is currently working to set up a quarterly meeting for all local non-profits to create a community of resource sharing that would allow The Community Project to create a network that would easily connect those in need with available resources. Other organizations that Rachel has been involved with include Big Brothers Big Sisters, Dearborn County Young Professionals, and Clearinghouse Food Pantry in Aurora. Her heart knows no bounds.
When ALS took Logan’s grandfather Carlos, Logan decided to create a fundraiser in his honor, with the proceeds going to the ALS Association. Logan has become an advocate for curing ALS and often shares his personal experiences with others who are suffering from the disease. On May 5, 2024, Logan will host the 8th Annual Crusin’ to A Cure for ALS Car Show in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, with a goal to raise $50K. In 2023, the fundraiser raised $41K. The car show brings together car enthusiasts who show their prized vehicles in one of the categories: classic, modern, customs, motorcycles, and racecars. Logan works to make these events as big and spectacular as possible, partnering with the best in the car show industry and taking on significant challenges with amazing results.

Lilly tremendously impacts those who are associated with her on a daily basis. She is a constant source of energy and enthusiasm, and spreads this positivity with humility and gratefulness after experiencing many difficulties including homelessness in her childhood. At just 24 years of age, Lilly manages the restaurant at The Stik-Flash Complex and handles the responsibility aspects of the turnover of lodgings that sleep as many as 80 people a night. She has excelled at every aspect of the business – cooking, serving tables, washing dishes, inventory, ordering, and handling the money. She manages the business and juggles a demanding home life in the country, with young children and animals, and a 45-minute commute each way. She has found a way to make it all work through her determination and big heart. She is endowed with the seeds of greatness and is very much appreciated.
A graduate of Christ Hospital Nursing School, Julie began her career as an RN working with mentally and physically disabled children and became an avid fundraiser to benefit kids with cancer. She was determined to make a difference. On January 17, 2019, Julie and her husband, Steve, suffered the ultimate tragedy as parents when their daughter, Madi, died by suicide after a long struggle with drug addiction and mental illness. At Madi’s funeral, Julie declared war on drugs and mental illness. During this loss, Julie found the strength to start Madi’s House. The Annex was opened in 2020 in a donated store-front space as a community center for young adults suffering from addiction and mental illness. An additional location was donated, and Madi’s House opened in 2023, providing programming for young adults with mental health and addiction issues. Julie’s compassion for young struggling adults and her unending resilience to make something positive of her loss of Madi inspires her to show other young adults that they matter and that they can become responsible adults. Julie has poured her heart and soul into this journey. Her compassion for this cause is unending.