Trustworthiness Quotes

Trustworthiness Quotes   Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month!     “Depend upon yourself. Make your judgement trustworthy by trusting it. You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body –...

Trusty Treats

Trusty Treats Image: Shockingly Delicious This activity will use Rice Krispie Treats to demonstrate the concept of trust. Show the family a box of Rice Krispies or similar cereal.  Read the claims on the label and review any commercials that anyone remembers about...

The Shepherd Teaches Us About Trustworthiness

The Shepherd Teaches Us About Trustworthiness Sheep need a shepherd to lead them and to keep them safe. A good shepherd is always alert to what can harm the sheep, so he can keep them safe.  A bad shepherd will let harm come to the flock rather than work harder. The...

I Doubt It

I Doubt It This is a card game that we will use to teach about telling the truth.  Arrange the students in groups of about 5.  Each group needs a deck of cards.  Choose the student in each group with the longest last name to be the dealer. (Ties in name length can be...