Endurance Featured Book

Endurance Featured Book Here’s the link for the free song that goes with the book>> Check out our Reading List post for a curated selection of books centered around the theme of Endurance>>  Pete the Cat: I Love My White ShoesStory by Eric Litwin,...

Endurance Reading List

Endurance Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Endurance Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin; art by James Dean Emmanuel’s Dream: the true story of Emmanual Ofosu Yeboah by Laurie Ann Thompson; illustrated by Sean Qualis I Can...

Endurance Curriculum Connection – Math

Endurance Curriculum Connection – Math Multiplication tables: the ultimate test of Math endurance. Enduring math repetition work has a payoff. Starting small and working hard leads to accomplishing larger goals. The first contains some research on interspersing...

Trustworthiness Featured Book

Trustworthiness Featured Book Watch a read-a-long version Check out our Reading List post for a curated selection of books centered around the theme of Trustworthiness>>  The Boy Who Cried Wolf by H.G. Hennessy, illustrated by Boris Kulikov   From...

Trustworthiness Reading List

Trustworthiness Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Trustworthiness Being Trustworthy: A Book about Trustworthiness by Mary Small Chicken Little by Mara Alperin, illustrated by Nick East Ollie Forgot by Tedd Arnold The Boy Who Cried Wolf by...