King Solomon Teaches Us About Creativity

King Solomon Teaches Us About Creativity King Solomon was a very wise King (965-926 BC). God had told Solomon he could have anything he wanted, and Solomon did not ask for money or power. He asked that God would give him a wise heart so he could be a good king. This...

Moses Teaches Us About Determination

Moses Teaches Us About Determination Moses was Determined to lead the Israelite slaves out of Egypt and into the promised land, but Pharaoh was a difficult man to convince. When Moses needed help, he used the Pharaoh’s stubbornness as an opportunity to call upon God...

Naaman’s Servant Teaches Us About Empathy

Naaman’s Servant Teaches Us About Empathy Naaman was a valiant warrior and commander of the King’s army.  During a raid, a young Israelite girl was taken captive, and she was placed in service to Naaman’s wife.  When the maid became aware that Naaman had leprosy...

Abram Teaches Us About Respect

Abram Teaches Us About Respect When Abram left Egypt with his family, his herds, and all of his possessions, he also had with him his nephew, Lot. Now Lot had his family and his herds and his possessions, too. The Lord had blessed both abundantly, and soon there...