No Matter How You Say It: Justice

No Matter How You Say It: Justice Word Origin The word Justice comes from the Latin word Iūstitia. The original sense was righteousness and equity. Can you see how being Just makes one righteous?   Sign Language  Justice  Corruption   Can you see how Justice...

Honesty Activities

Honesty Activities   The activities here are fun ways to teach character.  The game aspect makes the lesson more memorable.  Each activity has processing questions at the end.  Without processing the activity, the exercise is just a game.  To make it a stronger...

Honesty Curriculum Connection – Science

Honesty Curriculum Connection – Science Lions speak the truth with their body language. Unlike tigers and other large cats, lions do not hide their feelings. They use their tail, mouth, and posture to let others know exactly what they intend to do. If a lion’s...

Tall Tales

Tall Tales Download printable version of the activity For this activity, gather the family together and tell a story about something that really happened to you. Pepper the story with 5 lies or exaggerations. You can decide how obvious you want to make them. They can...