by Jill Tomey | Dec 30, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Endurance Word Origin The primary Latin root of endure is durare, which means “to harden; to hold out; to make last”. To create the word Endurance, the Latin durare was coupled with the Latin preposition for “in”. Can you see how Endurance is...
by Jill Tomey | Nov 22, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Trustworthiness Word Origin Trustworthy is being worthy of trust. The origin of the word trust is from Middle English < Old Norse traust trust (cognate with German Trost comfort); Can you see how you can be comfortable with something you...
by Jill Tomey | Oct 27, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Acceptance Word Origin From Latin acceptare “take or receive willingly,” Word Origin from Etymonline Can you see how Acceptance is receiving others as they are? Sign Language Check out the following links from Handspeak or the...
by Jill Tomey | Sep 23, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Orderliness Word Origin The Latin root is ordinem, “arrangement or row,” which originally meant “a row of threads in a loom.” Word Origin from Can you see how Orderliness is being neat and tidy? Sign...
by Jill Tomey | Aug 30, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Thoroughness Word Origin “Middle English thoro, thorow, “perfect, complete,” mid-13c., a two-syllable stressed form of thurgh “passing or cutting all the way through,” which is an adverb (represented by...
by Jill Tomey | Jul 22, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Compassion Word Origin From Latin com “with, together”+ pati “to suffer”. Word origin from Etymology Online Can you see how Compassion is suffering with someone? Part of compassion is empathy, but the true value of...