by Jill Tomey | Jan 23, 2023 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Kindness In Other Languages Spanish – amabilidad French – gentillesse German – Freundlichkeit Italian – infantile Swedish – barninna Basque – umea Portugese – criança For other...
by Jill Tomey | Dec 23, 2022 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Resilience Word Origin Resilience comes from the Latin root resiliens, from re- “back” + salire “to jump, leap”. Can you see how Resilience is rebounding or jumping back? from Sign Language Resilient ...
by Jill Tomey | Nov 21, 2022 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Generosity Word Origin Generosity comes from the Latin root Generosus which means “of good or noble birth”. Can you see how being Generous is a noble thing to do? Sign Language Generosity Stingy Can you see how giving is...
by Jill Tomey | Sep 25, 2022 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Diligence Word Origin Diligence is a descendant of diligere, a Latin word meaning “to value highly”. It is formed by combining dis (“apart”) and legere (“to choose”). Diligent individuals choose to make the most...
by Jill Tomey | Aug 25, 2022 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Responsibility In Other Languages Spanish – responsibilidad French – responsabilité German – Verantwortung Italian – responsabilità Swedish – ansvar Basque – erantzukizuna Portugese – responsabilidade...
by Jill Tomey | Jul 24, 2022 | No Matter How You Say It
No Matter How You Say It: Positivity Word Origin positive (adj.) early 14c., originally a legal term meaning “formally laid down, decreed or legislated by authority” (opposed to natural), from Old French positif (13c.) and directly from...