No Matter How You Say It: Diligence

Word Origin
Diligence is a descendant of diligere, a Latin word meaning “to value highly”. It is formed by combining dis (“apart”) and legere (“to choose”). Diligent individuals choose to make the most of their abilities and their energies.
Sign Language
Visit these signs on Handspeak to see the ASL for these qualities.
Diligent Idioms
- Apply yourself
- Be a bee in a bonnet
- Be a doer, not a talker
- Be a hard worker
- Be a stickler for detail
- Be a true believer
- Be all in
- Be dedicated
- Be industrious
- Be like a battering ram
- Be like a dog with a bone
- Be like a marathon runner
- Be perseverant
- Be prepared to pay your dues
- Be tenacious
- Be willing to put in the sweat equity
- Burn the midnight oil
- Dig deep
- Get down to business
- Give it your best shot
- Go the extra mile
- Have tunnel vision
- Leave no stone unturned
- Practice makes perfect
- Put your nose to the grindstone
- Roll up your sleeves
- The devil is in the details
In Other Languages
Spanish – diligencia
French – diligence
German – Sorgfalt
Italian – diligenza
Swedish – flit
Basque – ardura
Portugese – diligência