Hiring a Maid

Hiring a Maid Start this activity by telling the family to pretend that they will hire a maid to do their chores for them. Each maid will be paid for how thorough of a job they do. Have them come up with specifics of what constitutes a very good,  an average, and a...

Be Like Samuel

Be Like Samuel Begin by reading the story in the Bible where Hannah chooses for her son to be raised by priests of the temple so that he can rise to greatness. After the story, give each family member of the group a ball of clay or modeling compound. Explain that your...

The Paralyzed Man

The Paralyzed Man Read aloud the story of the paralyzed man being lowered through a roof in Mark 2:1-12. Next, you will recreate the paralyzed man on the mat. The smallest among you will be the paralyzed man. Brainstorm how you could lift someone and carry them...

Positivity Shot Put

Positivity Shot Put For this activity, you will need to prepare 9 paper plates, 6 with smiley faces and 3 with frowny faces drawn on them. You will also need bean bags or a piece of paper that has been balled up. You will need something that won’t roll when it lands....

Egg Drop

Egg Drop Divide the group into groups of 4 – 6 people in each group. Each group should be provided with a raw egg in the shell or a candy-coated cream egg. Draw a face on the egg to give it a personality. Instruct them to construct something for their egg so...

Soaking up God’s Wisdom

Soaking up God’s Wisdom You will need two small dry sponges, a bowl of clear water, a small shallow bowl with red-colored water (or you can use a red-colored drink), and 2 paper plates (ones with a bit of lip on them work best). Start by explaining that the...