Two Sponges

To set up for this exercise, prepare two sponges. One light colored and one darker colored. Wet the lighter colored sponge with clean water. Wet the darker-colored sponge with gray or black water but not so dark that you can tell by looking at the sponge. When you gather for this activity, start by talking about the importance of building your spiritual character. Discuss how you build a faith-filled character (by studying the character qualities, by imitating those who have character, by choosing friends who have good character, by practicing character in small things so it is easier when temptations are greater, bible reading, prayer and worship). To illustrate this point, mention that the types of things that you fill your life with are what come out when you are under pressure. If you have filled your life with good choices, with compassion and love, then, when times are tough (squeeze the light-colored sponge), you will react with more good choices. If you have filled your life with bad choices, selfishness, and greed, then, when times are tough, (squeeze the dark-colored sponge), you will react with more bad choices.
When the activity is over, process with these or similar questions:
Did you like the example of the sponges?
Were you expecting dark water from the second sponge?
How do you fill your life with good things?
How do you fill your life with bad things?
Do you want to be around people like the first sponge or the second sponge?
The next time you are tempted to do something “bad”, will you remember the dark water in the second sponge?