Trustworthiness Activities

Trustworthiness Activities   The activities here are fun ways to teach character.  The game aspect makes the lesson more memorable.  Each activity has processing questions at the end.  Without processing the activity, the exercise is just a game.  To make it a...

November Character All Month

November Character All Month See NationalToday, Checkiday and Happy Days 365 for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. 1 Extra Mile Day How will you go above and beyond on #ExtraMileDay?  You are an agent of #Change no matter how small...

World Kindness Day Nov. 13

World Kindness Day Nov. 13   Create a calendar for the rest of this month all the way to the end of December. Have the family come up with ideas for kindness for every day until the end of the year. You can use the calendar to identify what you should be doing...


Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a national holiday with a focus on Gratefulness. This Thanksgiving, post a whiteboard, chalkboard, or poster board where those gathered for Thanksgiving can write public statements of what they are grateful for this year. Leave it where...