See Our Most Recent Challenges
This program has been temporarily paused.
In January 2020, we kicked off a new program called the Kinder Character Challenge. Each week, participants received an email with a Challenge of a kind deed that week. If the Challenge is something you already do or are not comfortable doing, we will gladly accept your choice for a kind deed. Once completed, you can do a simple check-in on Social Media. You can reply to our post on our Facebook Page. You can tag us on Twitter (@CharacterCincy) or Instagram (@CharacterCincinnati).
ABC’s for the Kinder Character Challenge:
- Always keep your personal safety in mind in whatever you are doing.
- Be aware of the feelings of the recipient! Is it something they want or are you projecting your understanding onto their needs?
- Choose only challenges with which you are comfortable or is a comfortable stretch for you. You always have the option of choosing your own challenge each week or modifying any suggestion to fit your abilities and interests.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Invite your friends to join and do the challenges together!