Generosity Featured Book

Generosity Featured Book Watch a read-a-long version Grandma Rose’s Magic by Linda Elovitz Marshall, illustrated A.G. Jatkowska From Goodreads: “Every day Grandma Rose sews and every day she saves – for a set of beautiful dishes with pink and red...

Related Qualities – Generosity

Generosity strengthens: Attentiveness by understanding that the giving of your attentiveness is a gift. Justice by recognizing the needs of those who have been treated unfairly and freely giving to fight the injustice. Generosity is a lot like: Giving Charity...

Related Qualities – Alertness

Alertness strengthens: Cautiousness by noticing the dangers around you, so you can avoid them. Compassion by noticing the needs of others, so you can serve them. Cooperation by noticing the situations that require teamwork, so you can work effectively with others....

Heavenly Treasures

Heavenly Treasures You will need a printed copy of the Heavenly Treasure Chest or something similar and some adhesive “jewels”. Begin by discuss God’s generosity and how he has been generous to the family and community. Explain that we should also...