World Bee Day – May 20th

World Bee Day – May 20th World Bee Day To Bee or Not To Bee(True or False) You can keep a beehive in your backyard. True – Visit this website for information on starting your own hive. Bees are important because they pollinate food crops. True –...

Soda Pop

Soda Pop Download printable version of the activity This activity is best done in the kitchen or even outside. Get a bottle or can of warm soda pop. Begin talking about how sometimes things happen that shake up the day. (Begin shaking the can or bottle.) Sometimes...

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Walk a Mile in My Shoes Download printable version of the activity For this exercise, everyone needs to remove their shoes or bring a pair of their own shoes if they aren’t wearing any.  Put all the shoes in a pile and let each family member pick a pair of someone...