Thoroughness Reading List

Thoroughness Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Thoroughness Eddie Gets Ready For School by David Milgrim Five Busy Beavers by Stella Partheniou Grasso, illustrated by Christine Battuz Fix It with Focus: A Story about Ignoring Distractions...

Compassion Featured Book

Compassion Featured Book Watch a read-a-long version Nothing in Commonby Kate Hoefler & Corinna Luyen From Goodreads: Two neighbors both love to watch the old man and his dog from their windows, but they never wave to each other. After all, they have nothing in...

Compassion Reading List

Compassion Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Compassion Come with Me by Holly M. McGhee, illustrated by Pascal Lemaître The Flash Is Caring by Christopher Harbo, illustrated by Otis Frampton I Am Human: A Book of Empathy by Susan Verde,...

Decisiveness Reading List

Decisiveness Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Decisiveness Evie’s Field Day: More than One Way to Win by Claire Annette Noland, illustrated by Alicia Teba Great Choice, Camille! by Stuart J. Murphy Little Red Bird by Nick Bruel...

Decisiveness Featured Book

Decisiveness Featured Book Here is a link for a read aloud by the author with ASL interpretation. Evie’s Field Day: More than One Way to Win by Claire Annette Noland Illustrated by Alicia Teba   From Goodreads: Evie loves to run, jump, hop, and win. She...