No Matter How You Say It: Wisdom

by | May 16, 2023 | No Matter How You Say It | 0 comments

Visit the website Out of Stress for detailed information
on the meaning behind these Wisdom Symbols.

In Other Languages

Spanish – sabiduría

French – Sagesse

German – Weisheit

Italian – saggezza

Swedish – visdom

Euskara – jakinduria

Portugese – sabedoria

For other character qualities related to Wisdom,
visit the Related Qualities page.

Word Origin

Wisdom is from the Old English wis “knowledge, learning, experience,” and  German Weistum “judicial sentence serving as a precedent”.

Can you see how being wise is using knowledge and experience to make decisions?

Sign Language



Can you see how Wisdom is using the mind and Foolish ignores it?

Wisdom Idioms

  • A fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others
  • Age brings wisdom
  • Be a fountain of knowledge
  • Be a sage
  • Be like a mirror reflecting the truth
  • Be like a mountain
  • Be like a river
  • Be like a seed
  • Be like a serpent
  • Be like a star
  • Be like a sunrise
  • Be like a tree
  • Be like a wise owl
  • Be wise beyond your years
  • Conventional wisdom
  • Don’t bite off more than you can chew
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Experience is the best teacher
  • Experience is the father of wisdom
  • Have a head on your shoulders
  • Have a lot of wisdom
  • Have a sound mind
  • Have the wisdom of Solomon
  • Infinite wisdom
  • Keep your powder dry
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Listen to the advice of the wise
  • Nugget of wisdom
  • Out of the mouths of babes
  • Pearl of wisdom
  • Seek truth and wisdom.
  • Speak with wisdom
  • Streetwise
  • The wisdom of solomon
  • There are more things to heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
  • There’s no fool like an old fool
  • Think before you speak
  • Think twice before you leap
  • Wisdom of hindsight
  • Wise beyond their years
  • Wise guy
  • Wisecracker
  • Worldly wisdom