The Rabbit Listened with Processing

From the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Miss Rose, Children’s Librarian at the Delhi Branch, reads: “The Rabbit Listened” by Cori Doerrfeld
The Rabbit Listened
by Cori Doerrfeld
From Goodreads: “A universal, deeply moving exploration of grief and empathy. With its spare, poignant text and irresistibly sweet illustrations, The Rabbit Listened is a tender meditation on loss. When something terrible happens, Taylor doesn’t know where to turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. The chicken wants to talk it out, but Taylor doesn’t feel like chatting. The bear thinks Taylor should get angry, but that’s not quite right either. One by one, the animals try to tell Taylor how to process this loss, and one by one they fail. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does is listen, which is just what Taylor needs. Whether read in the wake of tragedy or as a primer for comforting others, this is a deeply moving and unforgettable story sure to soothe heartache of all sizes.“
Watch the video to the left for a reading of this book by the Public Library of Cincinnati as part of their digital response to the Coronavirus Quarantine.
Let your child watch the Storytime. After it is over, process the story with these or similar questions.
- Did you think that Taylor’s block creation was amazing?
- How did you feel when it was knocked down?
- Did you like any of the suggestions from the animals that came by?
- Do you think they were trying to help Taylor?
- What was different about what the rabbit did for Taylor? (he let Taylor feel his own feelings and didn’t try to tell him how to feel)
- Compassion is healing the hurts of others. The rabbit was being compassionate by just listening to Taylor and letting him go through his feelings. The next time you find somebody who is upset about something, will you remember that the rabbit listened and maybe try that with your friend?

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