Thoroughness Quotes

Thoroughness Quotes   Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month!     “See your road through.”-J. R. R. Tolkien “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”-Jim Rohn “Every job is a portrait of...


CAYG Download printable version of the activity CAYG  Anyone who has worked at McDonald’s knows what this acronym stands for: Clean As You Go. McDonald’s strict policy on keeping your work area and utensils clean and tidy at all times is drilled into employees. The...

Thoroughness Featured Book

Thoroughness Featured Book For a read-aloud visit YouTube.  This book starts at 4:14 and the other book is also about the importance of a grocery list. Put it On the List by Kristen Darbyshire   From Goodreads: “?I just went to the store!?” What...

Thoroughness Reading List

Thoroughness Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Thoroughness Eddie Gets Ready For School by David Milgrim Five Busy Beavers by Stella Partheniou Grasso, illustrated by Christine Battuz Fix It with Focus: A Story about Ignoring Distractions...