Responsibility Featured Book

Responsibility Featured Book Watch a read-a-long version I Am in Charge of Me by Dana Meachen Rau Illustrated by Shirley Beckes Read each page in the book and then ask the class how they can be in charge of each of the items the book lists. The responsibility for each...

My Responsibili-Tree

My Responsibili-Tree Start by downloading the Worksheet for this activity below.  Instruct each family member to write their faith responsibilities on each leaf.  These can be different for each person.  Some examples would be: prayer before meals, at bedtime, or...

Related Qualities – Alertness

Alertness strengthens: Cautiousness by noticing the dangers around you, so you can avoid them. Compassion by noticing the needs of others, so you can serve them. Cooperation by noticing the situations that require teamwork, so you can work effectively with others....

Croskey’s Corner: Responsibility

Croskey’s Corner: Responsibility Can’t Do? Won’t Do? I used to teach high school psychology. In my class, we read The Art of Loving, written by Erich Fromm. In that book, Fromm wrote that love has four components: Caring; Respect; Responsibility;...