Generosity Reading List

Generosity Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Generosity Enough to Go Around: A Story of Generosity  by Kristin Johnson, illustrated by Hannah Wood Goat’s Coat  by Tom Percival, illustrated by Christine Pym Grandma Rose’s Magic ...

Honesty Reading List

Honesty Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Honesty Arnie And The Stolen Markers by Nancy Carlson    Be Honest and Tell the Truth by Cheri J. Meiners    Being Frank by Donna W. Earnhardt, illustrated by Andrea Castellani  Cheaters Never...

Determination Reading List

Determination Reading List Children’s Picture Book Reading List for Teaching Determination Don’t Spill the Milk! by Stephen Davies, illustrated by Christopher Corr Kunu’s Basket: A Story from Indian Island by Lee DeCora Francis, illustrated by Susan...

Empathy Featured Book

Empathy Featured Book Watch a read-along version   Say Something by Peggy Moss   From Goodreads: The girl in this story sees it happening, but she would never do these mean things herself. Then one day something happens that shows her that being a silent...

Empathy Reading List

Empathy Reading List Children’s Picture Book List for Teaching Empathy Are You Empathetic Today? (Becoming a Better You!) by Kris Yankee, illustrated by Marian Nelson Bye-Bye Bully: A Story about Finding Your Voice, Courage, Kindness and Empathy (Cami Kangaroo and...