by Jill Tomey | Jun 21, 2023 | Family Activity
Cups of Collaboration Download printable version of the activity This activity requires some setup ahead of time. You will need 6 same-sized cups (like the infamous Red Solo Cup), a rubber band, and some pieces of string, ribbon, or yarn, 1 for each family member. The...
by Jill Tomey | Jun 21, 2023 | Character Connection
Collaboration strengthens: Compassion when you see helping others as a way of working together. Justice when you realize everyone has the same rights as you do. Responsibility when you see doing your share of the work as being a good team player. Collaboration is a...
by Jill Tomey | Jun 15, 2023 | Character Quotables
Collaboration Quotes Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month! “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today,...
by Jill Tomey | May 22, 2023 | Curriculum Connection
Collaboration Curriculum Connection – Science Symbiosis comes from two Greek words that mean “with” and “living.” It describes a relationship between two organisms from different species that is sometimes, but not always, beneficial to...
by Jill Tomey | Apr 21, 2023 | Character Connection
Flexibility strengthens: Availability by being able to change so you can meet a need. Dependability by adjusting to changes so you fulfill your commitments. Determination by adjusting to changes so you can pursue your goals. Flexibility is a lot like...