Cups of Collaboration

Cups of Collaboration Download printable version of the activity This activity requires some setup ahead of time. You will need 6 same-sized cups (like the infamous Red Solo Cup), a rubber band, and some pieces of string, ribbon, or yarn, 1 for each family member. The...

Related Qualities – Collaboration

Collaboration strengthens: Compassion when you see helping others as a way of working together. Justice when you realize everyone has the same rights as you do. Responsibility when you see doing your share of the work as being a good team player. Collaboration is a...

Collaboration Quotes

Collaboration Quotes   Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month!     “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today,...

Related Qualities – Flexibility

Flexibility strengthens:   Availability by being able to change so you can meet a need. Dependability by adjusting to changes so you fulfill your commitments. Determination by adjusting to changes so you can pursue your goals. Flexibility is a lot like...