No Matter How You Say It: Thoroughness

Word Origin
“Middle English thoro, thorow, “perfect, complete,” mid-13c., a two-syllable stressed form of thurgh “passing or cutting all the way through,” which is an adverb (represented by modern through, “from end to end, from side to side”) used as an adjective.”
Word Origin from Etymology Online
Can you see how thoroughness is going all the way through?
Sign Language
Check out the following links from for the American Sign Language interpretation of the words:
Thorough– can you see how the sign reflects the word origin of going all the way through?
Incomplete – can you see how incomplete is NOT going through?
Icons and Graphics for Thoroughness

Thoroughness Idioms and Phrases
- A stickler for detail
- Be a perfectionist
- Be a stickler for the rules
- Be like clockwork
- Be on top of things
- Comb over something with a fine-tooth comb
- Cover all the bases
- Do a deep dive
- Dot your i’s and cross your t’s
- Down to the last detail
- Go the extra mile
- Have everything in its place
- Know inside and out
- Leave no room for doubt
- Leave no stone unturned
- Meticulous to a fault
- Nitpicking
- Not miss a beat
- Run a tight ship
- The devil is in the details
- To the letter
In Other Languages
Spanish – minuciosidad
French – minutie
German – Gründlichkeit
Italian – completezza
Latin – diligentia
Polish – dokładność
Turkish- titizlik