Kindness In Faith
vs. indifference
Choosing words and actions to benefit others without expecting a return
Kindness: Faith in Action
Kindness is faith in action. It is being nice without expecting to get anything back – giving others what they need, not just what is easy or convenient. It’s easy to be nice to your best friend, but what about a total stranger or someone who has not been kind to you? God calls us to be kind to those people, too. When good works are done with pure motives, God will be glorified.
How will you glorify God with kind acts?

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use in a Christian Faith Based setting
to encourage the Character Quality of Kindness.
Our other Pillars have resources that can be adapted for use in a Christian setting.

Visit Kindness in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Kindness in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Kindness in the Community>>
Character All Month Calendar
Related Qualities
Character Holiday Activities
Family Activity (with a printable for sending home to parents)