The Paralyzed Man

Read aloud the story of the paralyzed man being lowered through a roof in Mark 2:1-12. Next, you will recreate the paralyzed man on the mat. The smallest among you will be the paralyzed man. Brainstorm how you could lift someone and carry them somewhere else. (I don’t think you want a hole in your roof to mimic the exact story!) What could you use to lift someone? A bedsheet? A board with ropes? A sleeping bag? An air mattress? Decide how you will do it, and then try a practice run. Did it work? If not, try again.
After you finish the activity, process it with these or similar questions:
- Was that fun to try to carry someone that way?
- Did the people in Jesus’ time have what we used?
- What does it mean to be paralyzed?
- Have you ever felt so afraid or confused that you felt ‘paralyzed’?
- Jesus cured the man of his paralysis. How can Jesus help us with our fears or confusion?