Acceptance In the Community
(Formerly Tolerance)
vs. prejudice
Demonstrating respect for others who do not share my perspective
Building Bridges
by Mary Andres Russell
Do you have someone in your life that you disagree with? You don’t share their opinions or they trigger you in some way? Of course, we all do. Acceptance is the quality that helps us build bridges. While we will not agree with every other persons’ opinions or behavior, we can work through our differences by showing courtesy, civility, and respect.
Many times, when someone gets under our skin, there is something we can learn from them or through the situation. Maybe we make similar mistakes (such as jumping to conclusions) and don’t see it. Maybe that person is strong in some character quality (such as boldness or persuasiveness) that is a weakness for us.
This month, when someone triggers you, take the time to consider their strengths and weaknesses and how they mirror your own. You may see that person and the situation in a whole new light. Ultimately, we can’t change other people. We can only change ourselves.
We can also create a safe place in our workplace and homes for open dialogue. How? By sharing facts, by listening to others’ side of the story, by sincerely trying to understand their motives, by establishing common goals, and by looking for the best in others.

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use with the family or within community organizations
to teach the Character Quality of Acceptance.
The following activities are related to dates this month and can relate to any character quality or good character in general.
February Character All Month
See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. Day in Feb 2024 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character 1 National Get Up Day Today is #NationalGetUpDay. Originated by...
Feb. 17 Random Act of Kindness Day
February 17 is Random Act of Kindness Day What could you do to be kind to someone in your family? In the neighborhood? At school or work? Any kind activity counts. Why not join our Kinder Character Challenge? Twice a month, we email the challenge for the week. You are...
Valentine’s Day Activity
Give each person a paper on which has been drawn a large heart (see download link) or have them draw a large heart on a piece of paper making sure there is room to write both inside and outside the heart. On the inside have them write 3 things that other people can do...
Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a community or family setting.

Visit Acceptance in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Acceptance in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Acceptance in Faith>>
Christian Family Activity
Bible Verses
Christian Poster
Prayer and Reflections
Archived Resources