Responsibility In the Community
vs. unreliability
Knowing and doing what is expected of me
Rights and Responsibilities
Living in a community means accepting Responsibility for how you affect others as neighbors. Being a Responsible community member means you are free to act within your legitimate rights, but this is not in a vacuum. You also need to respect the equally legitimate rights of other community members. Respecting their rights may impinge on your rights, and we have the Responsibility to know where this boundary is. Community Responsibility is more than just what I can do but also what I should do. We have the Responsibility to help those around us. It can be as simple as returning a neighbor’s garbage can for them or donating to a food pantry.
How can you be a Responsible neighbor?

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use with the family or within community organizations
to teach the Character Quality of Responsibility.
The following activities are related to dates this month and can relate to any character quality or good character in general.
January Character All Month
See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. Day in Jan 2025 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character 1 Universal Hour of Peace In recent times, the...
New Year Activity
It’s a new year, a time for new beginnings. Play Start Stop Continue. Each person picks a behavior they want to Start in the New Year, a behavior they want to Stop in the New Year and a behavior they want to Continue in the New Year. Focus on habits and routines that...
Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
Create a piece of art using one of our quotes or use one of your own. Use whatever art form you choose. You could also do something with any of our qualities. Think about doing something you haven’t done before. Be bold. Be confident. Be creative. Some suggestions are...
Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a community or family setting.

Visit Responsibility in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Responsibility in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Responsibility in Faith>>
Christian Family Activity
Bible Verses
Christian Poster
Prayer and Reflections
Archived Resources