Generosity In the Community
vs. stinginess
Managing resources to freely give
Paths to Generosity
We’ve all heard the three main ways to give are our Time, Talent, or Treasure. I’ve come up with three more distinct but overlapping paths to Generosity: Outlook, Influence, and Attention. When our positive outlook is shared in our thoughts, words, and actions, we give a gift to ourselves and the others involved in a challenging situation. A joyful work attitude can be contagious and influence the work of a group. Who and what else is within your circle of influence? Family, friends, and work associates are probably the first to come to mind. What about the influence you exert when you purchase sustainable goods over those that aren’t environmentally friendly? It takes more than the difference in the cost that could be counted under Treasure. It takes motivation to research and Attention to understand the differences in choices. Who and what else gets your Attention? This may translate into who gets your time, but it is based on how aligned your actions are with your values. Often, our Attention is absconded by the allure of Netflix, Social Media, or the person/thing whining the loudest. Being intentional with our Outlook, Influence, and Attention is a Generous gift to those who receive it.
How will you exercise your Outlook, Influence, and Attention as a path to Generosity?

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use with the family or within community organizations
to teach the Character Quality of Generosity.
The following activities are related to dates this month and can relate to any character quality or good character in general.
March Character All Month
See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. Day in Mar 2024 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character 1 National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day. It's National #PeanutButter...
St. Patrick’s Day Activity
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by identifying the Character Quality associated with the following Irish proverbs: Complain that you have no shoes until you meet a man who has no feet. (Gratefulness) Many a ship is lost within sight of the harbor. (Determination) It’s not...
National Crayon Day, March 31
Crayons are a great way to be Creative from simply using them to draw or color a picture to getting fancy with melting them (with adult supervision) for more involved crafts. For more information on National Crayon Day visit the website at...
Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a community or family setting.

Visit Generosity in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Generosity in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Generosity in Faith>>
Christian Family Activity
Bible Verses
Christian Poster
Prayer and Reflections
Archived Resources