Compassion In the Community
vs. indifference
Helping those who are hurting
You OK?
By Mary Andres Russell
When our granddaughter was only three years old, she would occasionally ask me a sweet and endearing question, “You OK?” She would be in the other room playing and would call out, “You OK Mimi?” She was checking-in with care and sweet compassion.
When my stepson was 16, he played basketball in a church league. My husband was assistant coach, and I was privileged to sit on the bench as scorekeeper. I noticed that every time a player came out of the game for a substitution, the head coach asked, “You OK?” A show of concern, a checking-in.
“You OK?” Such a simple question. If we listen to the answer, we can create an opportunity for connecting and healing.
Recently, a friend told me about her college-aged daughter, who has struggled for years with anxiety. My friend and her husband provide support through encouraging texts. When the daughter steps out into new or challenging situations, she texts her parents, “Am I OK?” They respond with a resounding “Yes!!!” or longer messages of encouragement.
Compassion is taking the time to help others heal. People heal through conversation, through their tears, through prayer, and through caring concern.
In 1982, my father died after a lengthy battle with cancer. For the next six months, my mother told anyone who would listen to the story of his struggle. In telling the story, little by little, she was healing.
By truly listening, acknowledging others’ feelings, and not necessarily trying to fix them, we can help others heal. “You OK?” This month, ask this simple question, listen to the answer, open your heart, and create a space for healing.

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use with the family or within community organizations
to teach the Character Quality of Compassion.
The following activities are related to dates this month and can relate to any character quality or good character in general.
November Character All Month
See NationalToday, Checkiday and Happy Days 365 for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. 1 Extra Mile Day How will you go above and beyond on #ExtraMileDay? You are an agent of #Change no matter how small the action. #Generosity ...
World Candle Lighting Day
The second Sunday in December is Worldwide Candle Lighting Day, that is a memorial activity to honor those children who are no longer with us. Candles are lit at 7 pm local time and left to burn for an hour. This will create a 24-hour wave across the world of lit...
Make a Gift Day – Dec. 3
Whatever holiday or birthday traditions you follow, take some time today to think about a homemade gift for someone. Who would appreciate it? The act of making a gift is so much more personal than having Amazon thunk something on your porch. You don’t have to be an...
Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a community or family setting.

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