Respect In Business
vs. rudeness
Treating others with honor and dignity
Take the Time to Be Respectful
Early in my career, I made a dreadful mistake at work. My project team and another project team were disagreeing on how to handle a common program between the two teams. I wrote a memo to the director, bypassing my manager, explaining the situation. That attention resulted in the use of a consultant to advise on the situation, as it would set a precedent for future work. Ultimately, my team’s approach was chosen, and I felt justified in raising the alarm. That was until my manager called me on my lack of respect for his position. He was hurt that I could do that to him. I was mortified and remorseful. This was a person who I respected and enjoyed working for. In my haste for a decision, I didn’t consider the respectful way to approach it. Even though I was right, I did it all wrong. It took a while to mend that fence, but eventually, we did, and I’m grateful.
How can you combine Patience and Respect?

Interview for Respect with this question:
Describe your relationships with past or current supervisors.
Download The Ultimate Guide to Hiring for Character with questions for all 36 qualities.
The Links below will take you to the most recent Team Building blog post and the previous posts. These are not related to a particular quality.
Cheering Each Other
Divide the group into smaller groups of 4 -6. Each group is to create a cheer that encourages success much like cheerleaders encourage athletes. If it is an academic setting, they can cheer about a subject. If it is a business setting, it may be about a product,...

Featured Book on Respect
7 Forms of Respect: A Guide to Transforming Your Communication and Relationships at Work
by Julie Pham

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No Matter How You Say It
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Croskey’s Corner

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