Decisiveness In Business
vs. procrastination
Processing information and finalizing difficult decisions
Clear-cut Decisions
by Mary Andres Russell and Jill Tomey
You’ve heard the idioms: “clear cut,” “cut and dried,” and “to cut a deal.” These are all Decisive statements, not to be confused with rash decisions or snap reactions.
We make a myriad of decisions throughout the day. Some are routine, like should I stop for a morning coffee? Some are short-term, like, what project is my highest priority today? And others have long-term implications, like should I accept this job offer?
Making important decisions is hard work. It requires Initiative, Thoroughness, and Discernment as we think through key factors and possible outcomes. We survey clients or co-workers. We ask for advice from trusted family or friends. And then, when the homework is complete, we check our instincts, look into our hearts, and choose wisely. Not blindly or rashly, but with Courage and Confidence, believing our well-thought-out decisions will have good outcomes.
Having good character is a sure foundation for processing information into sound decisions. This month, exercise your Decisiveness by doing your homework and making solid, clear-cut decisions.

Interview for Decisiveness with this question:
Is there a time you had to make a tough decision? What was the outcome?
Download The Ultimate Guide to Hiring for Character with questions for all 36 qualities.
The Links below will take you to the most recent Team Building blog post and the previous posts. These are not related to a particular quality.
Cheering Each Other
Divide the group into smaller groups of 4 -6. Each group is to create a cheer that encourages success much like cheerleaders encourage athletes. If it is an academic setting, they can cheer about a subject. If it is a business setting, it may be about a product,...

Featured Book on Decisiveness
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
By Chip Heath, Dan Heath

Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a workplace setting.

Visit Decisiveness in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

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Character All Month Calendar
Related Qualities
Character Holiday Activities
Family Activity (with a printable for sending home to parents)

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