Responsibility strengthens:

  • Honesty by knowing that honesty is expected of me.
  • Punctuality by knowing what is expected of you so you can complete your duties on time.
  • Compassion by adding obligation to the need to help others.

Responsibility is a lot like:








Responsibility is strengthened by:


  • Cooperation when you see being a good team player as doing your share of the work.
  • Decisiveness so that you quickly decide what is expected and do it.
  • Dependability by knowing and doing what is expected of me even in the face of difficulty
  • Alertness by being aware of what is expected of you so, you can do it.
  • Diligence so that you can focus on your duties.
  • Flexibility and Creativity by knowing that there is more than one way to meet my obligations.

For the word origin, translations, sign language version, and other linguistic
characteristics of Responsibility,
visit the No Matter How You Say It page.