October Character All Month

by | Oct 1, 2023 | Character All Month | 0 comments

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.

1 International Music Day  Happy #InternationalMusicDay!  The aim of this day is to harness the power of #Music to unite communities and cultures and inspire them to coexist harmoniously.  #Peace  #Justice #Harmony  #CharacterStartsWithMe
2 National Custodian Day Today is #NationalCustodianDay.  We all know someone who is custodian of space we occupy, even if it is at home.  Find a way to show your #Gratitude and #Gratefuleness for a custodian you know. #CharacterStartsWithMe
2 Blue Shirt Day for Anti-bullying Celebrate #WorldDayOfBullyingPrevention aka #BlueShirtDay.  No child or adult should be made to feel powerless or humiliated.  Who do you know who is being bullied?  Support them today and every day.  #Empathy  #Compassion  #Loyalty #Kindness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
4 National Taco Day Happy #NationalTacoDay! Let’s taco ’bout #Character! Show your #Gratefulness towards everyone’s favorite mexican food! #Gratitude #CharacterStartsWithMe.
5 World Teacher Day It’s #WorldTeacherDay!  We are #Grateful to you for educating our future!  #Honor  #Wisdom  #CharacterStartsWithMe
5 National Above the Bus Day You’ve heard the expression of throwing someone under the bus?  Today we celebrate the opposite with #NationalAboveTheBusDay.  What can you do today to #Compliment or support someone?  #Compassion  #Loyalty  #Kindness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
5 National Do Something Nice Day What can you do on #NationalDoSomethingNiceDay?  Want to do it on more than one day – Join our Kinder Character Challenge   and be sent a suggestion for a kind thing to do every week.  #Kindness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
7 World Smile Day Did you know that smiling is contagious?  Make someone’s day with your smile on #WorldSmileDay!  #Kindnesss  #Compassion  #Smile  #CharacterStartsWithMe
7 National Forgiveness & Happiness Day #Forgiveness and #Happiness are related.  Getting rid of resentment makes more room for happiness.  Celebrate them together today on #NationalForgivenessAndHappinessDay!  #CharacterStartsWithMe
8 National Heroes’ Day From the battlefield to your classroom, a #hero may inspire change anywhere with their noteworthy actions. Today is #NationalHeroesDay!  Celebrate by nominating your Hero of Character.  #Courage # Justice #CharacterStartsWithMe
10 Shift 10 Day Ever heard of #Shift10Day?  It encourages community members to shift 10% of their spending to local #SmallBusiness.  Who can you support?  #Loyalty  #CharacterStartsWithMe
10 Indigenous Peoples’ Day #Honor and #Respect the cultures and histories of the Native American people on #IndigeniousPeoples’Day!  #Compassion  #Empathy  #CharacterStartsWithMe
10 World Mental Health Day It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay.  Developing good character can build #Positive traits like #Resilience, #Empathy, and #SelfControl which help you to cope with stress, build healthy relationships, and make good decisions all of which supports good #MentalHealth.  #CharacterStartsWithMe
11 National Spread Joy Day Doesn’t #NationalSpreadJoyDay sound like a wonderful day to sprinkle #Positivity everywhere? Where will you spread #Joy today? #Enthusiasm  #CharacterStartsWithMe
11 National Stop Bullying Day Today is the second #AntiBully holiday this month.  #NationalStopBullyingDay  Bullying is not a rite of passage – it is abuse.  #Empathy  #Compassion  #CharacterStartsWithMe
13 Navy Birthday Happy Birthday, Navy! #NavyBirthday Did you know that #NavySEAL Team 6, officially known as US Naval Special Warfare Development Group — along with Delta Force — are the most highly trained elite forces in the U.S. military?  #Endurance  #Determination  #Courage  #CharacterStartsWithMe
15 National Grouch Day On #NationalGrouchDay, give your inner grouch a hug today.  #Positivity  Self-care is #Compassion , too!  #CharacterStartsWithMe
16 National Boss’s Day It’s #NationalBossesDay today.  Bosses set the tone and #Culture of the work team.  Improve yours with our Power up with Character series.  Learn more.    #Determination #CharacterStartsWithMe
17 National Mulligan Day Second chances are what #NationalMulliganDay is all about. To whom do you need to offer a #Mulligan?  #Forgiveness  #Humility  #CharacterStartsWithMe
18 National Ken Day We are celebrating #NationalKenDay!  Mattel debuted the Ken doll in 1961 and he has been supportive of #Barbie ever since.  #Endurance  #CharacterStartsWithMe
19 Conflict Resolution Day Not everything needs to end in conflict. We can learn to forgive the mistakes of others. What small steps can you take on #ConflictResolutionDay?  #Forgiveness  #Empathy #Peace #CharacterStartsWithMe
20 National Youth Confidence Day The teenage years are fraught with low self-esteem.  Who can you build up today on #NationalYouthConfidenceDay?  #Positivity  #Enthusiasm  #Confidence  #CharacterStartsWithMe
21 Sweetest Day #SweetestDay started in 1922 when a dozen of Cleveland’s candy companies banded together to make the day sweeter for the city’s most vulnerable people. They gave out over 20,000 boxes of candy to “newsboys, orphans, old folks, and the poor.”! #Generosity and #Compassion #CharacterStartsWithMe
21 Count Your Buttons Day Originally made of seashells, bones, and ivory, buttons on a person’s attire signified wealth or status.  Today, on #CountYourButtonsDay, what are you grateful for?  #CountYourBlessings  #Gratefulness #Gratitude  #CharacterStartsWithMe
22 Smart is Cool Day #SmartIsCoolDay is a great way to celebrate smart people and their gifts. It also serves as a motivation for everyone to become the #BestVersion of themselves.  #Wisdom #Sincerity #Acceptance  #CharacterStartsWithMe
24 United Nations Day #UnitedNationsDay celebrates that countries came together to promote #Peace throughout the world post World War II. Currently, the organization has put together 17 goals it plans to meet by 2030, all in the name of creating a better life for every living person.  #Justice #Respect #CharacterStartsWithMe
26 National Day of the Deployed #NationalDayOfTheDeployed is our day to say “Thank You” to all military serving outside the US and express our #Gratitude to their families who continue to stay strong in their absence.  #Loyalty  #Gratefulness #CharacterStartsWithMe
28 National Chocolate Day Celebrate #NationalChocolateDay – 2,500 years ago the Aztecs loved their newly discovered liquid chocolate. They believed Quetzalcoatl, the god of #Wisdom, gave it to them.  Satisfy your sweet tooth and increase your brain power all at the same time!    #CharacterStartsWithMe
28 Make a Difference Day Volunteering on #MakeADifferenceDay is all about becoming the change you wish to see in the world.  Join a group effort or head out on your own to Make A Difference today.  #Compassion  #Generosity  #CharacterStartsWithMe
29 National Cat Day Stay paws-itive on #NationalCatDay. #Positivity #Compassion #CharacterStartsWithMe
30 National Checklist Day Although success in any endeavor is not guaranteed, armed with an organized checklist, you stand a better chance of achieving your goals. Continue to maintain #Orderliness and celebrate this wonderful tool today on #NationalChecklistDay. #Thoroughness  #Diligence  #Determination  #CharacterStartsWithMe
31 Halloween Learn how to have a character (quality) filled #Halloween with our holiday activity.   Go beyond #Gratefulness !  #CharacterStartsWithMe