December Character All Month

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.
Date in 2023 | Holiday | How to Commemorate with Character |
1 | Rosa Parks Day | “One person can change the world.” -Rosa Parks. What can you change in your world on #RosaParksDay today? #Justice #Initiative #Courage #CharacterStartsWithMe |
3 | Make a Gift Day | It’s #MakeAGiftDay! Combine your #Generosity and #Creativity to make a gift today. #crafting See our activity. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
3 | Let’s Hug Day | Celebrate #Let’sHugDay with those you love. #Hugs are wonderful displays of #Compassion. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
3 | International Day of Persons with Disabilities | We can learn #Determination from those who overcome their #disability. Honor them today on #InternationalDayOfPersonsWithDisabilities. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
4 | National Cookie Day | Share #cookies with a friend to celebrate #NationalCookieDay. “In the cookie of life, friends are chocolate chips.” – Salman Rushdie. #Generosity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
5 | Walt Disney Day | Who is your favorite #Disney Hero? #WaltDisneyDay Remember that our Heroes of Character nomination deadline is Dec. 8 #CharacterStartsWithMe |
5 | International Ninja Day | Get in touch with your inner #Ninja and celebrate awareness of self and others on #InternationalNinjaDay. #Attentiveness #Authenticity #Sensitivity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
6 | Mitten Tree Day | A Mitten Tree or any collection for those less fortunate is a great way to demonstrate #Generosity #MittenTreeDay #CharacterStartsWithMe |
7 | National Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance | Today is #NationalPearlHarborDayOfRemembrance. Pause to honor those who sacrificed everything for us at #PearlHarbor. #Respect #Gratefulness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
9 | National Llama Day | It’s #NationalLlamaDay! #LlamaWool is very soft, and llamas love to cuddle with their humans. Be like a #Llama today! #Compassion #Positivity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
10 | Human Rights Day | #HumanRightsDay has inspired countries and people to start treating every person with the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. How will you treat others today? #Justice #Compassion #CharacterStartsWithMe |
10 | Worldwide Candle Lighting Day | #WorldwideCandleLightingDay is a 24-hour global candle-lighting ceremony symbolizing #Compassion and support for families grieving the loss of a child. See our activity. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
13 | U.S. National Guard Birthday | Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard. We #Honor you for your service to our nation. #Loyalty #Diligence #Endurance #CharacterStartsWithMe |
13 | Taylor Swift’s Birthday | Happy Birthday, #TaylorSwift. To celebrate her, let’s use our #Resilience to #ShakeItOff! #Forgiveness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
13 | National Horse Day | Have you ever watched the #Endurance of horse and rider in a horse race? Which one of your goals needs that kind of Endurance today on #NationalHorseDay?#HorseLovers #CharacterStartsWithMe |
14 | More Good Today Day | Take the #Initiative to do something good to celebrate #MoreGoodTodayDay #Compassion #Generosity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
16 | Day of Reconciliation | Today is the #DayOfReconciliation. It was begun to help heal and bridge the gap in South Africa after the decades of injustice under #apartheid. No matter where you live, you can use today to forgive someone or ask for #Forgiveness. #Justice #CharacterStartsWithMe |
19 | National Hard Candy Day | #NationalHardCandyDay Enjoy some hard candy and remind yourself that hard times get easier. #CandyLovers #Positivity #Resilience #CharacterStartsWithMe |
21 | Look On The Bright Side Day | Celebrate #LookOnTheBrightSideDay with us. Focus on #Positivity and keep the Winter Doldrums away. (And, yes, it is only the first day of #Winter!) #Enthusiasm #CharacterStartsWithMe |
26 | National Thank You Note Day | It’s #NationalThankYouNoteDay. Can you guess why? Practice #Gratefulness with a nice note to someone for a holiday gift. Extra points if it is handwritten and mailed! #Gratitude #CharacterStartsWithMe |
27 | Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day | No two snowflakes are alike! Celebrate your uniqueness today by making cut-out snowflakes on #MakeCutOutSnowflakesDay. #Authenticity #Sincerity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
28 | National Call a Friend Day | Show your #Loyalty to friends by being the one to initiate the conversation today on #NationalCallAFriendDay. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
29 | Still Need To Do Day | It’s #StillNeedToDoDay. Sometimes, life gets too busy. Take a step back and reevaluate everything you need to do. #Diligence #Wisdom #CharacterStartsWithMe |
30 | National Resolution Planning Day | To celebrate #NationalResolutionPlanningDay, dust off your #Decisiveness and plan next year’s #resolutions with character-building in mind. #Determination #Wisdom #CharacterStartsWithMe |
31 | Universal Hour of Peace Day | In recent times, the #UniversalHourOfPeace has been observed from 11.30 p.m. on December 31st to 12.30 a.m. on January 1st. No matter what hour you choose, focus on peace within and demonstrate it to others. #Respect #Compassion #Humility #Cooperation #CharacterStartsWithMe |