Punctuality Prayer

Punctuality Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of punctuality in your life. We remember how you were conscious of the time schedule that God had in mind for you. Help us to embrace our roles as your servants here...

Kindness Prayer

Kindness Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of kindness in your life. We remember how you healed the sick and fed the hungry. Help us to show concern for others in my words and actions. Teach us to be alert to...

Barnabas Teaches Us About Kindness

Barnabas Teaches Us About Kindness Barnabas was filled with words of goodwill and kindness. His given name was Joseph, but the apostles called him Barnabas, which means “a son of encouragement or comfort. We first meet Barnabas in Acts of the Apostles when he sold his...

David Teaches Us About Responsibility

David Teaches Us About Responsibility King Saul of Israel had become very self-centered and ineffective in his governmental affairs, and God decided it was time to groom his replacement. God sent Samuel, the prophet, to find and anoint the new king, but only gave him...

Responsibility Prayer

Responsibility Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of responsibility in your life. We remember how you took responsibility for the poor and helpless in your community. Help us to embrace our roles as your servants...

Courage Prayer

Courage Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Courage in your life. We remember how you boldly preached about how to love others. Help us to embrace our roles as your servants here on Earth and be all that we can...