King Solomon Teaches Us About Creativity

King Solomon Teaches Us About Creativity King Solomon was a very wise King (965-926 BC). God had told Solomon he could have anything he wanted, and Solomon did not ask for money or power. He asked that God would give him a wise heart so he could be a good king. This...

Creativity Prayer

Creativity Prayer Dear Jesus,We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Creativity in your life. We remember how you used stories and parables to teach your lessons. Help us embrace our roles as your servants here on Earth and be all...

Enthusiasm Prayer

Enthusiasm Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Enthusiasm in your life. You preached with heartfelt joy and passion. Guide us to be energy-givers that smile readily. Remind us to treat everything we do as...

Zaccheaus Teaches Us About Enthusiasm

Zaccheaus Teaches Us About Enthusiasm In the Gospel of Luke, we see Jesus coming into Jericho surrounded by lots of people who wanted to see this Jesus that people were talking about. Zacchaeus was interested, too, but being short, he was unable to see much. He ran...