Rose, Rose, Thorn, Bud

Rose, Rose, Thorn, Bud Download a printable version of the activity Rose, Rose, Thorn, Bud Neil Pasricha created this activity which can be found on his blog. Start with the first Rose. Identify something that went...

Cups of Collaboration

Cups of Collaboration Download printable version of the activity This activity requires some setup ahead of time. You will need 6 same-sized cups (like the infamous Red Solo Cup), a rubber band, and some pieces of string, ribbon, or yarn, 1 for each family member. The...


Negotiations Download printable version of the activity To teach children how to make wise choices, give them the opportunity to negotiate a decision. For example, you are going to choose a movie to watch, a game to play or a meal to eat. Let the children know that...

Flexible vs. Stubborn

Flexible vs. Stubborn Download printable version of the activity Give each family member a clothespin and several pipe cleaners. Have them bend the pipe cleaners into the shape of a stickman. Let them draw a face on the clothespin. As you read through the following...

Family Tree

Family Tree Download printable version of the activity Gather the family and start a discussion on the difference between finite and infinite. Use items around the house to describe finite. We have a finite number of rolls of toilet paper, dinner forks, shoes in our...

The Big Picture

The Big Picture Download printable version of the activity For this activity, you will need a challenging puzzle that can be assembled by the family. Do not show them the picture of the puzzle but let them be challenged to assemble it based on their skill. If the...