Related Qualities – Endurance

Endurance can strengthen:  Determination by using your inner strength to withstand the stress of challenges to your goals. Dependability by using my inner strength to withstand stress and do my best. Resilience by using the inner strength to withstand stress and...

Endurance Quotes

Endurance Quotes   Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month!     “Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.” -Friedrich Schiller “No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the...

Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim Download printable version of activity For this exercise, you will need a large serving bowl or tub full of water and clay (not modeling compound). Make 4 small clay balls about the size of a large marble or you can choose to use marbles as in the photo...

No Matter How You Say It: Endurance

No Matter How You Say It: Endurance Word Origin The primary Latin root of endure is durare, which means “to harden; to hold out; to make last”. To create the word Endurance, the Latin durare was coupled with the Latin preposition for “in”. Can you see how Endurance is...

Endurance Featured Book

Endurance Featured Book Here’s the link for the free song that goes with the book>> Check out our Reading List post for a curated selection of books centered around the theme of Endurance>>  Pete the Cat: I Love My White ShoesStory by Eric Litwin,...