Humility In Faith
vs. arrogance
Recognizing the people and factors that have shaped my life
“A Humble Spirit”
Humility was modeled by Jesus when he lived among us. He always gave glory to the Father for the things he accomplished on the earth. He always modeled a servant leader attitude for us. He could have been born in any place and time that he wanted to. He chose to come to us in a stable, in a lowly manger and not in a royal palace. That’s Humility.
When we are prideful, we fill our lives with our wants. When we are humble, we fill our lives with what God wants. Wanting to be God-like was the downfall of Adam and Eve. Wanting to be exalted above God was the downfall of Satan. Not giving God credit for the achievements in our life will be our downfall, too.
Being humble also requires us to recognize what others have done for us and to express our thanks for that support. A humble spirit will also be willing to help others to achieve as well. Recognizing our interdependence on others helps us to stay humble.
This month, practice humility by recognizing and acknowledging our total dependence upon God and seek His will for every decision.

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use in a Christian Faith Based setting
to encourage the Character Quality of Humility.
Our other Pillars have resources that can be adapted for use in a Christian setting.

Visit Humility in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Humility in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Humility in the Community>>
Character All Month Calendar
Related Qualities
Character Holiday Activities
Family Activity (with a printable for sending home to parents)
Archived Bulletins on Humility
Family Faith Builder on Humility
Character Growth Self-Evaluation Form
Teaching Youth about the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Character Helps
5-Minute Studies
Children and Family Resources
Character Journal #1 (Parenting Children)
4-Minute Sermons
Humility It’s Not an Inferiority Complex
Bulletin Inserts
Five Application Steps to Humility
Example Of Humility in Scripture
Humility Is The Absence Of Worldly Pride
Benefits To Practicing Monthly Character Qualities
Benefits To Others (Abbreviated)
Benefits To The Christian (Abbreviated)
Benefits To The Christian – I (Expanded)
Benefits To The Christian – II (Expanded)
Biographical Sketches