
Give each person an outline of a human body or have each one draw one themselves. Inside the head area, have them write or draw one thing they would like to do when they grow up/get older or something from their bucket list that isn’t yet done. On each of the hands have them write or draw something they like to play or a hobby. On the stomach, they should write or draw something they like to eat. On one foot they should write or draw their favorite place to go. It can be local or a vacation spot. On the other foot write or draw some place they want to visit. Once they are all finished, have everyone share or you can break them into small groups and have them share in the groups.
To process the activity, ask these or similar questions:
- Was it difficult to think of things to write or draw?
- Did you have things that were the same or similar to others?
- Did you have something that nobody else had?
It is nice to find someone who likes something that you do but having a variety of preferences in the group makes the group more interesting.
Final thought: In a community, it is important to recognize and appreciate the contributions of others.