Kindness Featured Book

Kindness Featured Book Watch a video read-along of the book Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup   From Goodreads: Angry words cause a crack to open up and widen, but find out what happens when kindness begins to blossom in this thought-provoking book. After...

Resilience Featured Book

Resilience Featured Book Watch a video read along of the book Lili Macaroniby Nicole Testa, illustrated by Annie Boulanger   From Amazon: Lili Macaroni loves drawing butterflies, counting the stars, and being exactly who she is―Lili Macaroni. That is, until she...

Generosity Featured Book

Generosity Featured Book Watch a read-a-long version Grandma Rose’s Magic by Linda Elovitz Marshall, illustrated A.G. Jatkowska From Goodreads: “Every day Grandma Rose sews and every day she saves – for a set of beautiful dishes with pink and red...

Gratefulness Featured Book

Gratefulness Featured Book Apple Cake, a Gratitude by Dawn Casey and Genevieve Godbout From Goodreads: “In this simple rhyming story from the author of Held in Love, a child says thank you for the gifts nature provides, from hazelnuts in the hedge to apples from...

Diligence Featured Book

Diligence Featured Book For a read-along of this book visit YouTube “Farmer Duck”  by Marvin Waddell  illustrated by Helen Oxenbury Read the book to the class then process it with the following questions: Did you like this book? What did you think of the...