First Day Of Autumn

First Day Of Autumn Make a Character Tree to identify character-based behavior on which you can focus. You can either draw or print a picture of a tree. Write suggestions of good behaviors on cutouts of leaves. If you write in a bold black marker, the children can...


CAYG Download printable version of the activity CAYG  Anyone who has worked at McDonald’s knows what this acronym stands for: Clean As You Go. McDonald’s strict policy on keeping your work area and utensils clean and tidy at all times is drilled into employees. The...

It is Back to School Time!

It is Back to School Time! Celebrate back-to-school using some Character Qualities in a way that makes sense for your family. GratitudeIn the past, back to school was the end of summer bummer! Given the pandemic difficulties, cultivate some appreciation for the...

Day to Create

Day to Create The goal of this holiday is to inspire taking action on a goal, dream, plan, or new idea. By taking action, you will be creating something new in your life. According to the website, Holiday Smart, The Date to Create is a day to get rid of your excuses...

Compassion Quest

Compassion Quest Download printable version of the activity This month the family is challenged to learn about compassion by being compassionate. Start by discussing the definition of compassion and be sure to include that it just isn’t being caring or loving....