January Character All Month

January Character All Month See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.   Day in Jan 2024 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character 1 Universal Hour of Peace The main idea of the...

Bunny Bounce

Bunny Bounce You will need a large venue for this game. Divide the group into smaller groups of 6 – 8 participants. Pair up the groups. If you have an uneven number of groups, you can have one set of three groups work together. Give each group a Beach Towel. The...

December Character All Month

December Character All Month See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. Date in 2023 Holiday  How to Commemorate with Character 1 Rosa Parks Day “One person can change the...

Tarp Hole

Tarp Hole To prepare for this activity, get an old tarp or an old blanket and cut several holes in it. You will also need a ball, smaller than the holes that you cut. Have the group stand around the outside of the tarp and each hold onto the edge. Have them step...

November Character All Month

November Character All Month See NationalToday, Checkiday and Happy Days 365 for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. 1 Extra Mile Day How will you go above and beyond on #ExtraMileDay?  You are an agent of #Change no matter how small...