No Matter How You Say It: Orderliness

by | Sep 23, 2024 | No Matter How You Say It

Word Origin

 The Latin root is ordinem, “arrangement or row,” which originally meant “a row of threads in a loom.”

Word Origin from

Can you see how Orderliness is being neat and tidy?

Sign Language

Check out the following links from Handspeak for the American Sign Language interpretation of the words:

Order – (scroll to the last definition) Can you see how the sign puts things in order?

Disorder – (the first definition) Can you see how everything is thrown together with no order?

Icons and Graphics for Orderliness

Orderliness Idioms and Phrases

  • A well-oiled machine
  • Apple-pie order (British)
  • Be detail-oriented
  • Be on top of things
  • Call a meeting to order
  • Clean as a whistle
  • Have a system for everything
  • Have everything in its place
  • In working order
  • Like clockwork
  • Made to order
  • Neat as a pin
  • Neat freak
  • Order in the court!
  • Plan ahead
  • Put own house in order
  • Run a tight ship
  • Ship Shape
  • Stickler for the rules

In Other Languages

Spanish – ordenada

French – ordonnée

German – ordentlich

Italian – ordinata

Latin – ornatum

Bosnian – uredno

Icelandic – skipulega


For other character qualities related to Orderliness,
visit the Related Qualities page.