No Matter How You Say It: Trustworthiness

Word Origin
Trustworthy is being worthy of trust. The origin of the word trust is from Middle English < Old Norse traust trust (cognate with German Trost comfort); Can you see how you can be comfortable with something you trust?
From Dictionary
Sign Language
Trust – Trust in Sign Language
Mistrustful – Mistrustful in Sign Language
Can you see where trust is solid and dependable but mistrust is something you want to keep away from?
Icons and Graphics for Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness Idioms
- Always there for you
- Be above reproach
- Be as good as your word
- Be honest as the day is long
- Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me
- Guardian of truth
- Have a clean conscience
- Have a good reputation
- Have integrity
- I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them
- Man/woman of your word
- Person of honor
- Pillar of the community
- Role model
- Salt of the earth
- Take my word for it
- Walk the walk
In Other Languages
Spanish – confiable
French – digne de confiance
German – vertrauenswürdig
Italian – affidabile
Swedish – pålitlig
Basque – fidagarria
Portugese – confiável