No Matter How You Say It: Endurance

Word Origin
The primary Latin root of endure is durare, which means “to harden; to hold out; to make last”. To create the word Endurance, the Latin durare was coupled with the Latin preposition for “in”. Can you see how Endurance is hardening from within?
Sign Language
Check out the following links from for the American Sign Language interpretation of the words:
Can you see how enduring looks like work followed by success and discourage is giving up?
Icons and Graphics for Endurance

Endurance Idioms
- A fighter
- A survivor
- Be durable
- Be indefatigable
- Be like a phoenix
- Be unyielding
- Don’t let adversity get you down
- Go the distance
- Have a lot of grit
- Have a strong constitution
- Have inner strength
- Have staying power
- He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens
- Hold on for dear life
- Keep your chin up
- Made of strong stuff
- Make the best of a bad situation
- More than flesh and blood can stand
- Never say die
- Pick yourself up and dust yourself off
- Tough as nails
- What can’t be cured must be endured
In Other Languages
Spanish – resistencia
French – endurance
German – Ausdauer
Italian – resistenza
Swedish – uthållighet
Basque – erresistentzia
Portugese – resistência