No Matter How You Say It: Acceptance

Word Origin
From Latin acceptare “take or receive willingly,”
Word Origin from Etymonline
Can you see how Acceptance is receiving others as they are?
Icons and Graphics for Acceptance

Acceptance Idioms and Phrases
- Agree to disagree
- Be open-minded
- Be understanding
- Give the benefit of the doubt
- Go along to get along
- Go with the flow
- Have a thick skin
- Keep an open mind
- Let things slide
- Live and let live
- Not be easily offended
- So be it
- Walk a mile in someone’s shoes
In Other Languages
Spanish – imparcial (unbiased)
French – ouvert d’esprit (open-minded)
German – unvoreingenommen (unbiased)
Italian – imparziale (unbiased)
Latin – incorrupto (unbiased)
Bosnian – nepristrasan (unbiased)
Irish – neamhchlaonta (unbiased)