Punctuality Featured Book

Be Where Your Feet Are
by Julia Cook, illustrated by Jon Davis
From Goodreads: From the bestselling author of Bubble Gum Brain and My Mouth is a Volcano!, comes a hilarious story about learning to be present wherever we are….and what can happen when we’re not.
These are my feet and this is me.
Sometimes I’m not where I’m supposed to be.
My brain gets crowded. There’s so much going on.
I do three things at once, and get two of them wrong!
“Be where your feet are,” I hear people say.
“Do one thing at a time. It’s a much better way.”
Each day, there are so many things to think about. Getting ready for school, turning in homework, taking a math test, band solo tryouts, soccer practice…and it’s a long way from your head to your feet.
Be Where Your Feet Are! reinforces the concepts of mindfulness and being present in a way children will remember, while showing how good life can be when we learn to appreciate the world — and people — around us.
After reading the story to the class, process it with these or similar questions:
- Did you like the story?
- What happened when the boy tried to do too many things at once?
- Did you like the way his legs looked when he wasn’t where his feet are at?
- Did you notice how his legs changed when he focused on one thing?
- Do you ever feel like you aren’t where your feet are?
- Which suggestion for mindfulness do you think will work the best for you?
- The next time you are tempted to do two things at once, will you remember the boy’s crazy legs and be where your feet are?
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