Kindness Featured Book
Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup
From Goodreads:
Angry words cause a crack to open up and widen, but find out what happens when kindness begins to blossom in this thought-provoking book.
After reading the story to the class, process it with these or similar questions:
- Did you like the book?
- How do you think Lili feels on the cover?
- Do you have any traits that take after someone else in your family?
- How do you think Lili felt when the kids made fun of things she liked about herself?
- Do you think they meant to hurt her feelings?
- If they didn’t mean it, does it still hurt?
- Did you like her idea of the butterfly?
- Will you remember Lili’s hurt feelings the next time you hear somebody else make fun of someone and step in?
*In the back of the book are some additional activities to go along with it!
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